
You're Still Beautiful.Part 4 of 5

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Soon the alicorn princess and her group are together at the base of the control room, along with the colonel and several officers. On top of a large table was the largest and most detailed map of Equestria they had seen with four foots wide and five long. From the information sent by Fast Stream and his squadron, air navigation experts make calculations charting the course to find out where the great white dragon was going. When they finish their work, Twilight and her friends are confused. Dash frowns and says:
- What Rarity intend to do in this place? There's nothing there!
Standing on a chair, Spike says:
- I think that was exactly because this that she chose it ...

Age of Chaos. Region of the Crystal Mountains. Four and a half years after Cherry Blossom have been cursed.

 The four Pegasus group walked by a neck with of a football field, under a strong wind that made it difficult to advance. The eldest had purple eyes, the gray mane and yellow tail, wore a white scarf glued neck. The other was an adult pony with dark blue eyes, the ivory, orange mane and tail, and crimson scarf. The third, a teenager Pegasus, green eyes, the brown mane and lime green tail, light yellow scarf and finally a colt of school age, with pale blue eyes, the golden yellow, mane and indigo blue tail with black scarf.
The teenager Pegasus was angry at the situation.
- We are Pegasus! Air is our element! We should be flying, instead of walking as paltry land  ponies!
- Do not be silly, boy! - Says the oldest pony - Even if your little brother could fly, do so in that time would be dangerous! The wind could throw us against the mountains and there, could end the same way that Solar Justice!
- Who was he, Grandpa? - Asks the colt.
- I heard he lived in a town called Los Potros, near the High White Trees.
- It is far from here, Dad. - Marks the adult Pegasus.
- Yes, but he heard rumors that his fiancée had been seen in this region, and came after her.
- She ran away from him, the guy was furious and began to chase her? - Asks the teenager.
-. No Solar longed to break the curse on his fiancée Cherry Blossom, which was transformed into a dragon by a cursed necklace.
- A pony, transformed into a dragon? Is that even possible? - Asks the adult pony.
- Son in these ominous times, with our beloved homeland under the rule of an insane monster that is the chaos personification, I believe everything is possible!
- And who did this terrible necklace? - Asks the teenager.
-An Evil pony and a zebra.
- What is a zebra, Grandpa? - Asks the little foal.
- A kind of horse different of the ponies, that come from far lands.
- How different? - Asks the foal, more and more curious - Did the zebras have two heads, lizard tail or something like that?
- I cannot answer your questions, my dear Cool Breeze, because I have never seen one.
- And because this evil pony and such zebra made the necklace? - Asks the adult pony.
 - Revenge, motivated by jealousy. The pony was favored over another, and didn´t liked this. As for Solar Justice, he and two servants who were also Pegasus, chose to fly under a horrible weather like this now. Then a strong gust of wind hurled Solar against a mountain. He was seriously injured on impact, and died shortly afterwards.
 At that moment, the wind speed decreases, and the small group of Pegasus hear an anguished groan. Something that sound scares them so much that all run off, as if there were a bunch of hungry  yetis chasing them.
Modern Era
 Using the strength of her mighty draconic body, Rarity had risen to seven thousand meters so it cannot be achieved by any Pegasus, nor seen by any pony on land. With her keen eye, she turned the few towns that saw until come to a region where there was nothing within a radius of tens miles.
(The Crystal Mountains! If I go to southwest, I will come to Crystal Empire. But I do not want to Candace and Shining Armor to see me like I am now. Not Twilight, the girls or Spike neither. A horrible monster like me have to remain alone ... forever!).
On the south Twilight, her friends and Spike were on a train heading north, to go to the nearest place where Rarity probably was. All had one thought in mind: to tell Rarity they continued to love her, and Sweetie Belle too.
But before they left for Neighcastle, the small band of ponies had seen on TV in the air base of the cafeteria an unusual and surprising news: a family of ponies saying that a huge and kind white dragon with a large purple crest had saved the lives of all of them, preventing them from being eaten by three evil dragons. Dash says:
- I do not usually say this, but this time the Rarity was more incredible than me!
- Yes, she did something amazing! - Fluttershy said.
- That's because the word "amazing" defines exactly what Rarity is! - Says Spike.
Twilight looks at her assistant. The little dragon felt pride and admiration for Rarity. And although it does not show, he was very worried about her.
 After two travel days, Twilight and her friends disembark at the last stop of the railway, near a town called  Rock Castle. The train station was a quiet place, but it was a huge uproar because a telegram had been sent the previous day, saying that a alicorn princess was coming for a visit, and even without knowing the reasons, local authorities prepared a pompous reception band music and gifts: a bluish green scarf to Twilight, brown for Applejack, Fluttershy to turquoise, mauve and orange for Pinkie to Dash.
 On the way to the city, the small band looks at the long stone path lined with wooden poles painted a bright orange. The sighting Rock Castle, are impressed by its aspect of fortress: it was surrounded by a stone wall nine meters high, 360 foots  wide and 540 foots long, with thick doors white oak whose parts were joined by bronze bulkheads.

In the lobby of the city hall enjoying a feast made in his honor because everyone was delighted with the honor of receiving a visit from a princess! But when she tells where she intended to go along with her friends, all are horrified. The mayor, a brown earth pony with mane and tail ocher called Hard Rock says:
- You cannot be serious, Your Highness! The region is plagued with yetis mentioned bands! Those monsters eat everything they can grab and surely will love the opportunity to eat pony! Meat! If you and your friends go to there, never will come back alive!
- Sorry Mr. Mayor, but I'm very serious! I and my friends come here from Ponyville to find our dear friend Rarity, and we will not give up!
- Where is your friend? - Asks someone in the audience.
- Somewhere in the region that Twilight  spoke- responds Applejack.
- Then she already was eaten by the yetis! - Exclaims a ground light green olive pony with purple mane in the middle of the audience.
- If any of these animals called yetis hated Rarity, it is that must have upset her food! - Says Pinkie Pie.
Again, the community reaction is amazement.
- Your friend eats yetis? But what kind of monster she is? - Rock Hard question.
- A Rarity isn´t a monster! - Protests Fluttershy - Just suffered a misfortune.
Twilight chooses to tell the story about the Dart of the Heart, as Rarity had found, what the cursed gem had done to her, the family ponies Rarity whose lives were saved. Finally, use her magic to remove the magical necklace wallet and show it to everyone. After a long silence, a unicorn pale gray eyes, the ice-blue, turquoise mane and tail, whose beautiful brand was eight interconnected stars forming the constellation of Taurus, wearing a bluish red sweater role collar rises. Its robustness makes Twilight and her friends think of Big Mac.He looks to them and says.:
- All in Rock Castle, Solar Justice know very well because it is in the cemetery of our city he is buried. But we never believe that Dart was real until the moment you showed the princess. And if you need to travel to the Valley of the Yetis to rescue his girlfriend, preventing the tragedy of Cherry Blossom happen again me, captain Eastwood of Snow Patrol, they’ll take you all to there.
Twilight look at that brave stallion and says:
- I and my friends appreciate your help, Captain. We leave at any time.
- Go dark in a few hours. We leave tomorrow at dawn, shortly after breakfast.
 Far away in her  icy refuge, Rarity contemplate the desolate landscape around you: the slopes covered by a thick layer of snow, with a few scattered pine trees. It was also possible to see the distance some strange beasts of white fur and long limbs that looked with amazement, but did not dare approach.
(At least for something my huge and fearsome appearance serves!) - She tells herself.
 She keeps walking until  reach a slope where there was snow because of the steep and intense wind. But when it supports the body wall and gives it falls inside a huge cave. Despite the light from outside to light a part of the site, the rest was so dark that a pony could not see the muzzle itself.
 However, Rarity was a dragon and could see everything as clearly as if it were lit by torches. Then you realize that there were inscriptions on the walls of the cave. It was a pony called Cherry Blossom that as it had been heart Javelin victim.
The poor woman spoke of her misfortunes: she had been attacked by his Justice Solar groom and then also by other ponies, they saw all the dragons as enemies to be destroyed because they regarded them as vassals of the ruler of Equestria evil: Discord!
(Discord, ruling Equestria? But that was a thousand moons ago!) Rarity read on until you reach the last entry.
"This morning, I was wandering through the woods when I heard some talking ponies and then I learned that in fact my transformation was caused by Emerald Star's former fiancé Solar, who did not like being discarded because of their wickedness, and devised this terrible way to get back at me and my beloved. She probably should have told a lie so he attacked me how did perhaps wanting us we killed each other in battle. As I did not notice?
But that was not the worst: Solar also heard that died years ago while looking for me, yearning to find a way to break the curse that turned me on that horrible monster that I am now.
With my big dead love, I have no more reason to continue living. I decided to use my breath flame to melt the rocks and seal the cave entrance. Thus, the lack of air will soon put an end to my torment and meaningless existence. ".
Rarity feel a chill when I read that and looking for a little more inside the cave, he finds a hole in the ground and within it, the skeleton of a dragon.
(So that's how all ended for you, Cherry Blossom? And is this what awaits me in the future? To die alone in this frozen desert, with no one to cry by me?).
More sad and anxious even than it was before entering the cave, Rarity out of the valley and looks around again. Had night came, but under the moonlight she ends up finding a place that looked good for a shelter. As he had done before in Montes Obscure, digging the hill with his hands and before long, has a large cave enough to home it. He lies down and falls asleep soon.

 The next morning, Twilight and her friends out of Castle Rock, carrying backpacks with food and stalls. So Eastwood takes the opportunity to talk about their city and some other matters more:
- Our ancestors came to this region in the dark time when Discord usurped the throne of Equestria. From the beginning life here it was hard, but no more than in other parts, especially with that crazy monster transforming the lives of all the ponies in an authentic hell.
- Discord changed for the better - Fluttershy says - because now he understands the value and importance of friendship!
- That's hard to believe, girl.
Fluttershy then tell Blue Storm as it had performed such a feat. The stallion listens attentively and says:
- I hope you can keep it under control Miss Fluttershy, because the capacity of that nature aberration do damage is immense! But as I was saying, it was hard work making our homes, which were the target of frequent attacks of yetis and therefore, had a stone wall around  Rock Castle.
- How do you do to keep warm in winter? - Dash question.
- We have extensive coal mine of excellent quality not far from the city.
- You live of the coal sale? - Pinkie question.
-. No There are some herbs that bloom only in this region, and reach high prices in the south. In addition, we also have some deposits of precious stones. These were things that motivated the construction of the railroad that you used to get here.
- What kind of gems you have here? - Asks Spike.
- Rubies and amethysts. But because it seems to interest you so much, little dragon?
- I  love to eat gems! They are yummy!
- Better not try make this here! The mayor and the city's jewelers would be furious!
- I never will eat your precious stones, except they  given it to me! - Spike retorts, annoyed with the Eastwood ´s implication.
- Spike is a good dragon! He never violate the law! - Says Twilight, also outraged.
- I apologize, Your Highness. I did not mean to question the character of his assistant, and not to hurt his feelings - responds robust unicorn.
- Apology accepted, Captain. - Responds Twilight.
- Captain, what is the work of Snow Patrol? - Applejack question.
- In the past, our job was to protect the city from yetis. This was becoming less frequent, as the wall around the city was being built and expanded. Decreased further after it was inaugurated the railroad, which reaches very close to Castle Rock. Currently, we do most is to rescue lost or ponies in danger after accidents. But from time to time, still we are waging battles against the yetis.
 The walk goes on during the day, with some breaks to eat and rest, because the going was hard not only because of the thick snow, but also by strong winds. When it starts to get dark, Eastwood says.
- Now we have to camp and also establish lookout shifts.
- Agree on the stalls, but no need to stay up all night. I'll take care of the security to all us!
- Forgive me the princess, but this is a wild and very dangerous area!
- Captain, the Twilight is one of the most powerful wizards of Equestria! - Says Applejack - If she says she will take care of security, you can be sure that she will do it!
The stallion frowns, but waits until the tents (two for girls and one for him) be ready, and then he sees the horn of alicórnio shine, creating a transparent dome around the camp. Twilight explains:
- This protective barrier is as tough as a wall of stones! By stronger than the yetis are, they'll never make it break it!
- You sure about that, princess? - Eastwood question admired looking for magical protection that alicórnio had created so easily.
- Yes I have! Also know that only I can undo that protection.
- You can sleep soundly, man! - Says Dash.
Dinner is prepared and then immediately, Twilight and her friends go to sleep. Eastwood is agreed some time, apprehensive. It does not take more than an hour for a big yeti approach and look for the transparent barrier. Soon begins to punch her, but nothing happens. Then goes into the woods and come back with a piece of tree trunk with ten foots long and six inches in diameter.
Beats it into the wall to remain and only use it as a club, hitting the barrier until only remaining chips. Enraged, the monster begins to play the size of watermelons stones, which runs down with gravel and again, the result is null. The stallion is astonished.
(How such a small pony can create something?).
Finally, the yeti gives up and goes away. Eastwood knew it was not a sign as good as appeared to be, but also that no point in fretting about it. Then goes into his tent, and soon is sleeping well.
  The next morning, the journey resumes and while walking through high walls of snow-covered rocks, with trees in some parts, and several vertical slits. Applejack realize that Eastwood is concerned, looking at the slopes.
- Some problem?
- How you and your friends realized after waking, our camp was attacked by yetis last night.
- Yes, I you also told us about it.
- These beasts do not like to fail in attacking prey. It seems they consider it some kind of insult and when a yeti cannot beat their victim, calls others to help. It's just a matter of time before another attack happen.
- Maybe you can talk to them and make them understand that there is no reason to be hostile to us. - Fluttershy says.
The Eastwood response undermines the yellow pony.
- Miss Fluttershy, have put someone like Discord on track was a remarkable achievement, but at least it is a rational monster. The yetis are bloodthirsty beasts who think only of killing and eating. If you try to get close to them, will have his throat torn by sharp claws before he could say a syllable!
- So bad? - Dash question.
- Yeah, I wish I could say something nicer to your friend, but it's impossible.
Hours later, they stop to rest and eat. The food (cereal bars with honey and chocolate, tea, biscuits) is still being removed from the saddlebags when Blue Storm warning:
- Keep all again! The yetis are coming!
The ponies obey, although they have not heard anything. Probably Eastwood should have their own ways of perceiving the arrival of a typical enemy of the region. All they form a circle and prepare for combat. And coming out of the vertical cracks, or behind the trees, the yetis come howling furiously.
It was eight. The first is hit by a magical energy blast of Twilight, and thrown back. Dash rushes as if hurled by a catapult and hits another in the chest with double recoil of the front legs. Eastwood also uses a burst of energy to repel advancing with outstretched hands, looking at Fluttershy, which takes off vertically to reach thirty foots tall when to and remains so.
Applejack forward at a gallop, as if it were hit the yeti in front of her with a header, but at the last moment ducks, passing under the legs of the enemy then to suddenly mode, firming his front paws on the ground using the back to strike yeti back. The beast is thrown such that it hits another yeti, and the two falls on the snow. Plus one is struck by the Twilight magic, and Eastwood does the same with another.
From above, Dash dives and hits another on the head with its front paws, rising before the enemy to fight back. Applejack dodges an attack and again reaches a yeti with its hind legs. A yeti attacks Spike and the little dragon spits a flame passing scraping the top of the head of the beast, burning the hair. Amazed the yeti plays his own head, realize he was bald.
 However, the most disconcerting for Eastwood was Fluttershy behavior. The yellow pony was hanging in the air without showing any fear with angry cries of yetis below it, which jumped trying to catch it, and even rebuked them:
- My friends and I are just passing through. There is no reason for you to attack us. And not be using this horrible language, full with dirty words! Did not your moms taught good manners?
 Increasingly angry yetis two together their strength to pull a pine tree and with it, try to hit Fluttershy. But in doing so, they displace three squirrels whose nests were inside the tree and also a hedgehog. Small animals fall to the ground covered with snow, squealing in surprise and fear.
Seeing this, Fluttershy forgets own safety and descends to the pets along, asking concerned:
- Are you okay? They do not hurt?
Drooling with rage, the two yetis approach to attack Fluttershy from behind. Eastwood prepares to hit the two with magic bursts when the yellow kind poneizinha looks at the bunch of yetis and his face upset by anger, he says:
And for robust stallion surprise, the beasts flee in panic! Confused, he asks:
- But what happened? I do not understand!
- Now the Fluttershy used the fixed gaze! - Pinkie says.
- Stare? - Eastwood asks, confused by that explanation.
-It's A special ability that she has, and sometimes uses on unruly animals or ill-behaved. - Applejack said.
- And the behavior those yetis were terrible! - Complete Dash.
- Well, then I think we can proceed. - Says the stallion.
- Not before find new shelters to these little ones! - Fluttershy says looking at the squirrels and the hedgehog, which were together around her like friends long ago. That empathy and concern for the weakest moved Eastwood who along with Twilight, uses magic to replace the uprooted tree in place and all make a meal. After Fluttershy still gets some time talking with small animals and still beckons to them before they all continue on the journey.
 Further, the rock walls become steep further separated by large gaps in three steps, with all trees which remained green while the thick snow. In addition, the rock had several vertical cracks, with tens of meters wide. Twilight realizes this and think (This place is perfect for an ambush!). But says nothing because he realizes nervousness of friends in that desolate place where the wind sounded so gloomy all the time. Fluttershy comments:
- That sound ... It seems someone crying!
- Yes. In fact, you can hear it even when it is not windy! Because this place is called the Haunted Sorrow Canyon! - Says Eastwood.
- Should have some logical explanation for it! - Comments on the alicórnio.
- Not everything in the world can be framed in the logic. - Replies the stallion.
Twilight think better not to start an increasing discussion and two hours later, Eastwood stops and says:
- Get ready to fight! The yetis are coming!
The ponies and Spike look around. For a while, nothing happens. Then the enemy comes in droves. Yetis tens descend the slopes of the outbound side slits, shouting angry. Fluttershy realize that this time, his special skill would be useless and cowers to lean against Eastwood, which takes as its duty to protect her.
Impetuous, Dash rushes up and with one attack, knocks nine yetis in quick succession. Twilight and Eastwood shoot magic bursts with its horns, to decrease the maximum number of opponents before the horde arrive where they were. Dash makes a turn U-shaped, dropping more yetis. With teeth, Applejack takes a string of left saddlebag and makes a loop with surprising speed, and starts turning it over her head. Pinkie takes a big white cylinder inside the mane and closes the face, getting ready to act.
The enemy reaches the ground and moves toward the group. Applejack takes a yeti with his tie and ran, dragging the enemy while deviates from others. After taking impulse, she turns her head and uses the yeti as a projectile to reach other more attackers, knocking them. Then back quickly to her close friends.
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